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7 Energetic Pathways Inside Our Body

 Root Chakra #1

 Sacral Chakra #2

Lower Spine/Perineum

Below The Navel

 Solar Plexis Chakra #3

Right above the navel, below the rib cage.

 Heart Chakra #4


 Throat Chakra #5


Third Eye Chakra #6

Pineal Gland
Between the Eyes

Crown Chakra #7

 Top of the Head

What are Chakras?

Our Chakra System are Energetic Pathways to our entire Energy Fields inside and outside of our body . They extend beyond our physical bodies to our Auric Fields. My job is to help clear your Energetic Pathways(Chakras) to guide you to higher levels of consciousness connection which in turn leads to  Spiritual Connection, better decision making that matches your souls frequency, closer relationship to yourself, better health and more. It brings in a Spectrum of Frequency from the Universal Time Matrix.


When your Chakra Energy Pathways are clear you get a full EXPERIENCE of Consciousness Connection. When they are blocked you lack a flow in your energetic bodies. Blocked Chakras can lead to poor health, being unhappy in relationships, lack of connection to self and God/Source. You may feel like you lack a zest for life. Opening a chakra pathway creates more light inside your energetic field.

It is important to open the chakras and increase the circulation of energy flow or life force "Prana". The more energy that is flowing, the healthier and more balanced we are. When we are in energetic balance, we have integration and connections between our body, mind and spirit.  It is much easier for us to expand our consciousness and embody our higher spiritual blueprint. Many illness' in the body are caused by energetic imbalances or blockages of the flow through any of the layers of the bodies systems. Energy circulation blockages create Dead Energy and Miasma which lead to dysfunctions, disease patterns and pain.


Reduced energy flow not only leads to illness and states of disease, it creates distorted perceptions that allow us to be out of harmony with the natural laws that interfere with experiencing life as our true authentic self. The function of the chakras is to spin and draw in vital essences and consciousness energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body in balance.


​When doing Sound of Frequency Humming it helps remove Negative Energetic Blockages, AI, Cord Cutting in the Chakra System to create a FLOW. A pathway for energy to make a connection to consciousness. Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing helps transform cells. Along with Past Generational  Pain, Past Life Pain (Over Souls/Incarnates) and Present Pain.


Inner Child work helps dissolve deep past wounds, puts closure to painful memories that no longer serve you any purpose that have hinder us from growth.  Inner Child pain release is extremely beneficial for your Chakras mental health and thought process.

Brain Flow Thought Reprogramming helps remove old belief systems that no longer serves you. It helps empower your soul. It's hard work and well worth the value.


When releasing pain it creates Contraction Expansion and Growth.  It makes room for happiness, self-love, empowerment, enlightenment and a successful life in all aspects.

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