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Why not bring Crystal Elements into your Energy Clearing Field while Smudging?!

This listing is for One Smudging Handmade Feather Geode and Drift Wood Smudging Wand. Made with White Turkey Feathers and Organic Cruelty Free Fowl Feathers.

Large crystal display not included.

Guidance with Smudging

1. Tell all negative entities/energies they have to leave your home, computers, phones or where ever else you see fit. Direct them to leave and be free. Their families are waiting for them with Love and Guidance. The Negatives have been Tricked and Deceived and it's time to be Set Free.

2. Set Intentions (love, guidance  etc....)and/say prayer of your choice.

Please note: When Clearing space, make sure you clear in corners of rooms, bathrooms, closets or any small areas.

Much Love.


Your Pick Feather Geode Smudging Wand

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