Understanding Jehovian Seals (J-Seals)
What Are J-Seals?
- A Jehovian Seal is like an invisible energy block (“unnatural implant”) in your body. - These seals are usually found on the left side of the body.
- They can cause physical problems (sickness, pain and even
death). - They block your energy flow.
Where Did J-Seals Come From?
- J-Seals are energy blocks put on Earth by Jehovian Anunnaki.
- They are found at a special energy line on Earth called Axia tonal Line 7. - When Earth gets these seals, we get them too because our energy is connected to Earth. - Everyone has these seals until they are removed.
Why Do We Have J-Seals?
- Different alien races put these seals on Earth a long time ago.
- This has affected how humans have evolved on Earth.
Where Are These J-Seals Located?
- J-Seal 1: Top of the Skull (Activated: May 2001)
- J-Seal 2: Heart, Left Lung, Left Knee Rear (Activated: May 2001)
- J-Seal 3: Pineal Gland (Activated: July 2001)
- J-Seal 4: Left Side of Neck and Lymphatics (Activated: January 2002)
- J-Seal 5: Rear Left Thigh and Buttocks (Activated: January 2002)
- J-Seal 6: Top of Left Shoulder (Activated: September 2002)
- J-Seal 7: Aorta Artery, Neck Left Side (Activated: September 2002)
Why Haven’t We Heard About These J-Seals
Before Now?
- Complexity: Understanding Jehovian Seals involves knowledge of energy anatomy and metaphysics.
- Specialized Knowledge: Information about these seals is often found in spiritual and alternative health communities.
- Not Mainstream: Mainstream education and media focus on more conventional topics.
- Ancient Knowledge: References to these seals are often in ancient texts and esoteric teachings.
What Do J-Seals & Stellar Activation Cycles Have In Common? - J-Seals become active during special times called Stellar Activation Cycles. - The cycle from 2012 to 2022 opens certain seals. - This prepares Earth and people for a big change called ascension.
How Do Seals in Earth's Grids Affect Us?
- Earth and Our Bodies: Earth and our bodies are built the same way energetically. We are directly connected to Earth.
- Understanding Energy: Knowing about 15th-dimensional anatomy, 12-strand DNA templates, Kathara Grid, chakras, meridians, and Axia tonal lines helps us understand these connections.
- Energy Grids: If someone damages Earth's grids, they also harm our personal energy grids, DNA templates, and chakras.
- Inherited Seals: The 7 J-Seals in Earth's grids are passed on to us, so everyone on Earth has these seals.
- Historical Impact: Many disasters in Earth's history have harmed us, reducing our lifespan, brain function, and spiritual awareness.
- Worst Seals: The 7 J-Seals are the worst, especially now during the Stellar
Activation Cycle. These seals are causing many physical, mental, and emotional problems.
- Seals on the Body: The seals look like energetic plugs running down the left side of the body.
- Removing Seals: We can quickly and permanently remove these J-Seals and other unnatural implants inherited from Earth's grids.
- Activation and Purpose: When normal seals in Earth's and our personal grids open, the J-Seals also open. These seals aim to pull Earth and its life forms into the Phantom Matrix.
- Human Potential: Humans are meant to have 12 dimensions of consciousness and ascend between dimensions.
- Blocked Ascension: DNA distortions and J-Seals have blocked this ability for over 200,000 years, keeping Earth in lower dimensions.
- Current Opportunity: Now, with enough frequency on the planet, we can clear these J Seals and ascend when the star gates open. Even Ascended Masters need to clear these seals if they incarnate on Earth.
What Are The Effects of J-Seals?
- J-Seals Activation: J-seals start affecting you 3 to 12+ months after they open. If you’ve had issues on the left side of your body in the last 4 to 5 years, it could be because of J Seals.
- Clearing J-Seals: When you remove J-Seals, the physical problems they cause can stop.
- Other Seals and Implants: Besides J-Seals, there are other unnatural seals and implants to remove to improve health and prevent future diseases.
Unnatural Seals That Impact Us
Inheriting Unnatural Seals:
- Connection to Earth: We inherit unnatural seals because of our energetic
- Guidance Blockage: People with these seals can’t connect easily to their higher self for guidance and purpose.
Major Unnatural Seals and Implants
Zeta Seal:
- Located in the 4th chakra (Heart chakra).
- Blocks unconditional self-love and love for others.
- Affects human behavior and culture.
-Metatronic Implants:
- Spread throughout the auric field.
- Prevent energy bodies from fully integrating and merging with the physical body. Templar Seals:
- Applied in 8000 BC.
- Removed certain codes from DNA strands, preventing higher frequencies for ascension. Templar-Axion Seal:
- Applied in 1500 BC.
- Prevents DNA from assembling adequately for higher
dimensions. Crown of Thorns:
- Above the head.
- Distorts energy flow, blocking primal life force currents.
Tower of Babel Seal:
- Caused by invader races in 3470 BC.
- Mutated DNA, blocking kundalini flow and shortening lifespan.
Removing J-Seals & Unnatural Implants for
What Is J-Seal Removal?
- A special healing session to permanently remove these 7 bad J-Seals and other implants from our body, mind, and spirit.
- These seals are in everyone when born and they block our natural light. They were put there by aliens long ago.
Why It’s So Important To Remove J-Seals?
- Better Health: Many people feel healthier and experience less pain after the seals are removed. This is because the J-Seals cause sickness, pain, and even death. (Many suffer in the specific areas where the seals are
- Spiritual Growth: Connecting with your higher self and feeling your inner light becomes easier, which helps you live your best life.
- Improved Intuition: You'll start to notice signs and messages from your guides and angels.
- More Energy: You'll feel more grounded and energized.
- Effects On Earth: Individual J-Seal removal supports Earth’s
Why It's Needed Now:
- The Earth and humans are closely connected. If something harms the Earth's energy, it harms our energy too because we are all connected.
- The J-Seals exist in the Earth's energy grids, so we "inherit" them into our energy systems.
- Over many years, bad events have hurt our energy, reducing our life span, brain function, and spiritual awareness.
- We are in a special time called the Stellar Activation Cycle. The Jehovian Seals are activating and causing more problems now.
- This is the perfect time to clear these seals and get your energy system back in alignment.
Prior To a J-Seal Removal Session:
- I will perform an energy-clearing exercise to ensure your energy is protected during the J Seal removal process. This is mandatory step for moving forward with J-Seal removal.
What Happens During The Session?
- Where Session Is Performed: The healing is done either in person from my home-office or remotely (via Zoom) from the convenience of your home if that’s what you prefer. (Note: If you are doing your session remotely, be sure to find a quiet place where you can relax without distractions. Focus your thoughts on removing the J-Seals and all the bad things they bring to your body.)
- Session Entails: The session works on your soul and energy, clearing the bad seals and implants.
- Session Length: The session to remove these seals usually lasts about an hour, depending on resistance.
- Setting Intent: If you have problems on the left side of your body, set an intention to be free of these during the session.
What Happens After The Session?
- Post-Session Feelings: After the session, you might feel different. This is because your energy is flowing better (like it did a long time ago). Most people find it hard to describe but report having more energy. Some may feel dizzy and much lighter. Issues like back, neck, and knee pain might go away. Breathing and blood flow can improve too. - Psychic Abilities: One big benefit of removing J-Seal 3 from the pineal gland is increased psychic abilities and intuition.
- Physical Improvements: Problems in the areas where J-Seals were located may start to disappear after the session.
- Spiritual Connection: Restoring your Divine Blueprint allows you to connect with
your higher self much easier. You will feel a stronger connection to Earth as well.
Self-Care & What To Expect After The Session?
- Food & Water: It is important to drink lots of water after the session and listen to your body’s food needs as well.
- Rest: It is recommended to just rest and relax for the remainder of the day following a J Seal removal session, particularly if you experience dizziness.
- Emotions and Thoughts: Old feelings and thoughts might come up but let them pass like clouds.
- Healing Process: Removing J-seals is like psychic surgery. It helps your energy flow better and connects you to higher parts of yourself.
- Time for Integration: It takes time to get used to the changes, but there's no blockage anymore.
- Spiritual Understanding: Your mind and brain will start to understand spiritual things better.
- Physical Impact: The removal can also help with some physical symptoms you might have.
- Important Step: Removing J-seals is very important for your health and well-being.
How Removing J-Seals Helps the Earth:
- Removing these seals also helps heal the Earth's energy.
- When many people do this, it helps the whole planet move to a higher, more loving energy.
- Everyone has J-Seals that block their natural light and cause problems. - Removing these seals helps improve health, spiritual growth, and connection to the Earth. - It's a powerful healing session that can change your life and help the planet.
Importance Of Removing Other Unnatural Seals & Implants
Karmic Containment Units (KCU's):
- Influence perception to believe in karma.
- Prevent seeing beyond the veil.
Integration and Impact:
- Removing these seals helps integrate higher parts of the self.
- Allows for more energy and higher frequency connections.
Physical Impact:
- Removal can relieve physical symptoms related to higher frequency integration.
Session Benefits
Complete Removal Of: -
J-Seals and other unnatural
seals. - 15D Auric Clearing.
- Karmic Clearing.
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