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I want to thank Kristy Peoples(Spirit Tracer)

for sharing the Kystos Diamond Sun Body with me. My guides came to her and asked her to share this Most Holy Sacred Union Symbol with me. It has transformed my life and many others. I'm forever in gratitude.

This listing is for 1 Krystos Diamond Sun Body Pendant. This item is in 10k Gold(45") and comes with a matching chain. The Chain is 20". The pendant comes engraved.

Krystos Diamond Sun Body

KA RA YA SA TA AA LA (The 7 Tones of our Original Creation)

The Krystos Diamond Sun Body

This is the most Divine Holy Sacred of all symbols, which represents the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine as equals in Holy Sacred Union as ONE. The horizontal of the cross represents the Divine Feminine, and the vertical represents the Divine Masculine, the Diamond represents them embodied as ONE. I personally can not stress enough how powerful and important this symbol is. Practice invisioning it in Divine Pure White Light with your Divine Conscious

Energy and enveloping your head in the middle of it, and practice invisioning moving it all through your energetic body and field. This helps greatly to remove negative entities, and their attachments which is in part what hinders and blocks people's ability to consciously connect with their higher selves.


Kystos Diamond Sun Body 10k Gold

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